After You Have Suffered Awhile 2

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

2 Corinthians 4:16 – 17

“If only you refuse to mind the light affliction at the moment and ignore the pain, there is a weight of glory waiting for you around the corner.”

Like we had earlier established, God never allows His people go through momentary suffering just for the heck of it; no, with God there is always a reason for every experience He permits to come our way. We have seen one of the purposes as perfection, the next immediate reason why God takes us through some unpalatable experiences is for our establishment in the faith just as the Bible says in 1st Peter 5:10 “….after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.”

The establishment phase is that point where you are grounded in the faith. It is that stage in the glory process where your mind is made up about following JESUS come rain or shine. At this point, the blessing is still important to you but whether it comes or not is no longer a factor to determine your stand for JESUS. Even though only Joshua and Caleb made it out of the wilderness out of an entire generation of Israelites that came out of Egypt, you cannot be in any doubt that these two men were well grounded and established in the faith.

Many are in the Christian Faith for what they can get. They have a mentality that the Church of JESUS is a “bless me” club but for the established believer, it’s not so. He or she is not in the Christian Faith for things. Like Paul, they have learnt how to abound and be abased, they are rooted whether there is plenty or otherwise. Do not be deceived, many are in the kingdom but they are not established and that is why their faith cannot stand the test of time nor stand in the face of fiery trials.

Friend, there is a place for establishment in suffering because when you learn what you should learn and you are perfected, there is no way you would not be rooted. Just like Joshua and Caleb submitted to the process and entered into their glory season, so also do you need to submit to the process, the suffering is for a while and its intent is to get you established.

Just Do It

  • Ask God for patience to go through your tests and enter into your glory.


  1. My Father, give me the grace to learn every lesson You are teaching me in my test and help me to come out shining as gold, in the Name of JESUS.
  2. Oh God, thank You for this light, I beseech You, let my morning of joy come today, in the Name of JESUS.




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