JESUS saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
JOHN 4:34
There is a school of thought that says you should do what you love; doing what you love is not what makes it because what you love may not necessarily take you there. But it is falling in love with what you do and when you are in love with what you do, then you suddenly realize that you wouldn’t have worked any day of your life, because you are simply loving it. Not loving what you do makes what you do a curse, makes it a burden, makes it a stress because you have not fallen in love.
This was the mystery of our Lord and Master JESUS. He said “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me and to finish it.” Loving what you do means placing value on what you are doing and being committed to valuing and protecting it. JESUS was in love with what He was doing and He placed value on His Ministry. He was so consumed by the work of the Kingdom and it was evident to everyone around Him. He did not just talk about it, He exhibited the passion He had for the Kingdom everywhere He went.
JESUS was so committed to protecting the Kingdom that He could not stand it when He went to the Temple and saw what they had turned the temple into. He met people buying and selling in the Temple and cast out all of them and restored sanity. He acted in that manner because He loved what He was doing.
When you are in love with what you are doing, it shows. You won`t feign ignorance when things go wrong because it is not your direct responsibility. You will go out of your way to make things happen. You will eliminate the excuses. You will find a way to make it work. You won`t turn a blind eye and keep mute. Why? Because you are in love with what you do.