This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8
Success has diverse meanings for different people. Some people define success from the angle of wealth acquisition, fame, the level of comfort and affluence, heights attained in career or profession.
Authentic success is not about position, acquisition, name, or fame. What is it about? Authentic success is all about fulfilling the purpose for which you were born. It is about you victoriously completing your mission on planet earth.
KNOW THIS – Your success gives God pleasure. Conversely, your failure gives Him concern. Every genuine father is troubled when his child is not doing well and as a child of God whenever you are not doing well, it does not give Him joy.
Psalm 35:27 shows us clearly that God is excited when you prosper. God is excited when you succeed. If God is your Father and He is not known for failure, then, success is the trademark of the family. God is excited when you make progress because from the beginning, you were created for a life of constant progress. God is excited when you go forward. God is excited when things work well with you.
If all these things are true, why do many die as failures? The answer is not far-fetched. When you fail to make the right investments – your time, resources, opportunities, etc., failure is inevitable. Don’t be deceived, success is not cheap, it is hard-work. To be a candidate for authentic success you cannot afford to waste your time in frivolities.
You are not meant to be down there; you are meant to be up there. Don’t become comfortable being on the ground. You can’t hang around with chickens and fly with the eagles. Your future was meant to be bright, but if you don’t work your way into it, you will never see it.
TAKE NOTE – Success is a product of solving problems. Success is all about solving problems and you were sent to the world as a solution. You are not a part of the problem; you were born to solve it. You need to know what problem you were born to solve. Your true identity is determined by the problems you solve and the quantity and the quality of problems you solve determine your level of success.