Arise from Deadness Into Newness Of Life

Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

Romans 6:4

“It is walking in the newness of life that makes all things new in your world.”

Many tongue-talking and seemingly on fire believers we find on the pews of our Churches are dead, though walking. They are like the whitewashed sepulchres JESUS referred to in the gospels, looking beautiful on the outside yet full of decay and death on the inside. Do not be deceived by what you see on the outside beloved, neither deceive yourself by what you are on the outside.

JESUS knows you inside out and so does He know other believers and HE is dissatisfied by the turn out of our lives, The Resurrection and the Life cannot stand the deadness we have allowed to continue in our lives.

How do you know a believer that is dead?

  • When he is carnal. “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6. To be carnal is to be led and governed by the senses. It is to judge situations and react to them based on what your senses suggests to you. Carnality is a state of being alive in the flesh and succumbing to its lusts and desires over and above the dictates of the Spirit.
  • When his conscience no longer pricks him. An unbeliever’s conscience is dead and insensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Before salvation, a believer’s conscience is dead but quickened by redemption to have remorse after sinning but a dead believer’s conscience like that of an unbeliever, is dead.
  • When the Word of God and His Presence has no effect on you;
  • When the fear of God is not in your heart.
  • Friend, it is time to embrace newness of life which is the God’s order of life; the life that is Spirit-ruled, dominated and controlled; the kind of life that proves all things by the Word and by the Spirit, not by what they can see, hear, touch…etc.

Just Do It

  • Spend quality time studying the Word and running your life by it.
  • Ask the Holy Ghost to quicken your conscience and purge it from dead works.


  • Spirit of the fear of the Lord, come upon me and help me to walk in the newness of life that I have in Christ JESUS.
  • Let every root of carnal mindedness in my life be burnt to ashes by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the Name of JESUS.



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