And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
LUKE 18:1
There is one subject that can never be over-flogged as far as our walk with God is concerned; it is the subject of prayer. Whether you accept it or not, prayer is the power cable through which we connect to the realm of the Supernatural to change the natural course of events. Don’t let any devil from hell fool you, as a child of God, to achieve what you were born to achieve, you must be a person of prayer.
No one can achieve what he or she was born to achieve without prayer.
“Men ought always to pray and not to faint,”…not to be tired, not to be weary, not to become despondent, not to despair. You should pray at all times – in the morning, in the evening, in the night, when things are going well, when things are not going well; when you have challenges and when there are no challenges.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is humanity inviting and opening the door for Divinity to intervene. God will do nothing on this earth except someone on planet earth asks Him to. Prayer is the key to getting God’s will done on the earth and that includes getting God’s will done in your life. Prayer is putting the forces of light against the forces of darkness.
Whenever you pray, you are enforcing and exercising your dominion as a citizen in the Kingdom of Light over the kingdom of darkness. Have the enemies said you will never have a breakthrough? Have they gathered to conspire against you? Have you been afflicted by what cannot be diagnosed by medical practitioners? The Bible says in James 5:13, “Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray…” Why? Because prayer can handle it.
Prayer brings you into intimate fellowship with God and helps you align your thoughts, purposes and intentions with that of God. Some of us get confused in the face of certain situations and do not know what to do with life. Does that story sound like yours? Just begin to pray. Give attention to praying, especially praying in the spirit.
Get this –Prayer does not change God; it changes you. I am not talking wishy-washy prayer, I am not talking about dry prayer that lacks content, I am talking about prayer that draws strength and draws fire from the Word of God. It changes you, it builds up your faith, it makes you strong, it inspires you from the inside. It makes you a better person, it makes you more sensitive. God can be speaking to you always but you won`t hear, but in the place of prayer because when you are praying, you become more sensitive.
It is time to pray!