It Is Never Too Late To Pray 1

Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him.

And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison.

And, behold, the Angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

ACTS 12:5-7

“It is never too late to pray because it is never too late for God to intervene.”

In Acts 12, we see the attempts made by Herod the king to vex the Body of Christ. What did he do? He killed one of the apostles and took hold of Peter. It was at this point that the Church became conscious that if nothing was done, Peter’s head will go. Since the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, the Church engaged the weapon of spiritual warfare. While Peter was kept in prison, prayer was made without ceasing for God to intervene. Prayer force is strong enough to intervene at any point and deliver on desired miracles. It is never too late to pray because it is never too late for God to intervene.

Herod had concluded that Peter will join his ancestors in Heaven. We don’t know how long Peter was held in prison – maybe for days or weeks. It looked like it will be forever, they had decided Peter’s fate. I prophesy to you this day, your story will not end the way the enemy has thought or planned it will end. The plan was that it will end in death, it will end in failure, in defeat, in shame, in reproach, but God surprised them. I see God surprising all your enemies in the Name of JESUS. Whatever plan, decision, agreement, or conclusion that was made by the enemy, it is aborted, in the Name of JESUS. One minute before it was all over, God showed up and the chains fell off from Peter’s hands. Whatever has been the chain of bondage, chain of financial captivity, the chain of witchcraft captivity, keeping you where you should not be, it is falling off you right now, you are loosed from such captivity, you are loosed from such demonic influence, in the Name of JESUS.

Ponder Point

  • There is nothing God cannot do; and if there is nothing God cannot do, there is nothing prayer cannot do.


  1. By the Blood of JESUS, I nullify every decision and plan of the enemy against my destiny.
  2. My Father and my God, let every chain of bondage keeping me where I should not be fall off by fire, in the Name of JESUS.
  3. In the Name of JESUS, I decree that my story will not end the way the enemy has thought or planned it will end.




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