Lovest Thou Me More Than These? (2)

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Revelation 2:4

“Working for JESUS is not enough. If you are not walking with Him, then you are a stranger running errands.”

Do you know that everything done for the Lord in this kingdom is called the labour of love? This is why, even though we have the promise of an eternal reward, gain must never be the motivation for serving God rather, love must be.

Many are working for Him but very few are walking with Him while working for Him. Judas followed the Lord JESUS, he was one of the twelve, he served JESUS and must have even believed in His ministry but you see, Judas never loved his Master. He worked for Him; but he never loved JESUS, that was why it was very easy for him to betray Him. Friend, how much you have done for JESUS will not matter much in eternity if your love for JESUS has not eaten up your heart while here on earth.

What does it mean to love JESUS?

  • It is total, unreserved commitment to JESUS and the cause of His Kingdom.
  • It is following JESUS ardently and placing Him over and above every other thing, even at the cost of your life.

The truth is, if you are not a lover, you will be a Judas. There are prices you will never be willing to pay and sacrifices you will never be able to make in advancing the Kingdom of God on planet earth.

What are the signs that you have left your first love?

  • When you complain or murmur about the commitment, dedication and love of others for Christ.
  • When you do more for yourself than you do for Christ.
  • When you consider anything too expensive for Christ.
  • When you are not burdened about promoting His cause on earth.

If a deep love for Christ and the cause of His Kingdom were not ruling the hearts of the early apostles, many of them who died as martyrs would not have been able to face gruesome deaths like they did. These last days, JESUS will prove your love for Him, situations and pressures will prove your love for Him; standing firm, making it at the end of the day will be strongly hinged on your love and mine for JESUS.

Just Do It

  • Make JESUS the focus of your heart.
  • Daily crucify your flesh and all earthly desires that can take JESUS away from the throne of your heart.


  • Lord JESUS, give me the grace to continue in my love for you today until I see You face to face at Your second coming.
  • Father, let love for You and the Kingdom consume my heart and propel me to do for exploits for You in this life, in the Name of JESUS.



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