The Potency Of One Seed

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the Heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

Genesis 22:17

“One right seed sown can bail you out in times of need.”

Do you know that one seed well sown can get you unquantifiable harvests, results so dramatic and numerous that cannot be counted in terms of number just as the stars of Heaven or as the sands of the seashore? In your seed lies the potency of dominion, the potency of possessing the gates of the enemy. 

It’s not enough to make a sacrifice or give an offering but it’s more important that your seed be acceptable. A story was once told of a man whose normal offering used to be about N1,000 naira and God told him to step it up to N15,000 but he struggled and finally settled for N5,000 naira. Few days down the road, his first son developed a chronic disease that turned him into a vegetable. 45 days running and the boy was in the hospital battling for his life and everyone was busy running around to save his life. This man waited on God in fasting and prayers and God spoke to him again and said: “If you had given me an acceptable offering, I would have blessed your seed and part of the harvest would have stopped this from happening to your child”. He further said, “I saw the enemy coming and I warned you in advance to change your offering but you refused.”

It is only when your offering is accepted that God releases his Spirit upon it. God does not pour His Spirit or blessings upon the seed that is not acceptable to him. That is why you should never just cast something into the offering box, the question you should seek to answer always is, will this be acceptable to my God?

Remember, you are not under any compulsion, it is between you and God according to the level of His blessings upon your life.

Just Do It

  • Develop the spiritual culture of giving God acceptable and quality offerings. Start now as you participate in I.W.C 2023.
  • Detach yourself from material things and get to that level where nothing is too big to give to God.


  • Father, let Your rain of multiplication and explosive harvest rest upon my seeds, in the Name of JESUS.
  • Lord JESUS, today, I ask that You divorce my heart from every undue attachment to the goods of this world, in the Name of JESUS.



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