What Matters The Most (1)

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

Psalm 16:11

“Whatever you are looking for, His Presence is where to find.”

David was a great king in his time. He was a man of wealth and influence; David enjoyed fame and touched fortune. He was also a man who treasured and knew the value of the presence of God. David was so much in love with the Presence of God. Psalm 84:10 – “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” David was saying, “Give me any job, provided it is Your Presence. I would rather be in Your Presence than be anywhere else.”

Look at all he pleaded for in Psalm 51:11 “Cast me not away from Thy Presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.” He didn’t talk about his throne, wealth or greatness; only two things mattered the most to him – the Presence of God and the Holy Spirit. “Do anything to me – slap me, kick me, take the throne, take the crown, but let me be in Your Presence. Deny me everything else; take away food from me but let me be in Your Presence. Take away clothes from me but let me be in Your Presence.” Some people do not treasure the Presence of God because they are ignorant of the value of His Presence; they are yet to know who God really is. It is not news that people give bribe to access the presence of some great men.

There are contractors who can do everything possible to have access to the President because they recognize the power that the President wields as far as the affairs of the country is concerned, and if they are successful, something will change or turn around in their favour.

I want you to answer this question sincerely – When was the last time you went to the Presence of God and in such moments you had access to be in His Presence you were conscious that you were in the Presence of the ONLY One who can do and undo anything and everything, excluding none? Whether in your closet, in Church or anywhere you have access to His Presence, are you very conscious that nothing else matters, everything can wait because the One you are with can sort anything out? When you get to understand this, you will do exploits in life.

When you find a man that knows his God and knows the value of His Presence, that knows how to spend time with God, you’ll find a man who has no confidence in men. You’ll find a man who will not bother about what the whole world will be trying to do even if they are up against him.

God is showing you the path of life, the path to experiencing fullness in every area, the path to having things the way you want them – His Presence, that’s all you need. Do something different today; spend more time with Him in fellowship. You don’t need to ask for anything, just love Him today and tell Him how much you value and treasure His Presence and watch God perform wonders in your life.

Ponder Points

  • What are you looking for in life? What have you been pursuing all these years? What do you want life to deliver to you? His Presence is where to find it
  • Your mark of distinction as a believer is the Presence of God. When praying or studying the Word of God, or going to Church becomes a problem, check it, there is something wrong. It is an indication that you have disconnected from the Presence of God.


  • Oh God open me up to what matters the most; let the hunger for Your Presence be kindled in my heart right now, in the Name of JESUS.
  • Empower me through Your Word to live each day conscious of Your Presence.



PSALM 1 – 3

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