You Need Divine Instruction to Fulfil Destiny 2

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.


 “Obeying God’s instruction is about a practical demonstration of your submission to the authority of God and when you submit to His authority, He compels all other things to submit to you as well.”

Divine instruction is whatever God commands you to do or not to do; however God commands you to live or not to live. It is God’s wisdom delivered to you for your best interest both in time and eternity. It is God’s principal tool for delivering, guiding, protecting, promoting, prospering and glorifying you on the earth. Proverbs 8:10 tells us that instruction is of greater value than silver. So even if someone appears with $1billion and you have to choose between that and Divine instruction, you will be a disaster happening if you decide to go for the silver. You can get it today and it evaporates tomorrow. What you need is instruction; you do not need the silver. When you go after Divine instruction, the silver will find you.

What gives you access to Divine instruction? God’s word is the primary source of Divine instruction. Whatever God commands in His Word is an instruction. Anytime you study the Word of God and you come across what God commands, it is not optional; it is in your best interest. To begin to reason and downplay on Divine instructions is to make a mess of your life and die a failure. That is not your portion, you won`t fail, in the Mighty Name of JESUS.

Submit yourself to Divine direction. To receive divine instruction, you must suspend your brain and not think. Many miss it because God’s instruction many times does not make sense.

The key to succeeding is OBEDIENCE. You must simply learn to obey every single instruction you receive from God for it to profit you. Make up your mind to follow God the rest of your days and watch Him take you from the ground and set you among princes.

Do you want to fulfill destiny? Go for Divine instruction. It will take you anywhere and everywhere.

Ponder Point

  • Your brain is too small to figure out the destiny you did not design. It was designed by an Infinite mind Who knows the end from the beginning. He alone can guide you to destiny manifestation.


  1. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I command my mental faculties to receive Divine instructions from now on, in the Name of JESUS.
  2. I release the fire of the Holy Ghost against every force at work in me that rebels against Divine instruction, in the Name of JESUS.
  3. Oh God, instruct me today on what to do with concerning the fulfilment of my destiny, in the Name of JESUS.




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